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ABA Looks at The Lawyers Who May Run America

The American Bar Association Magazine attempts to predict the lawyers whom Sen. Barack Obama and John McCain are likely to appoint as Attorney General, Supreme Court Justices, Solicitor General, Homeland Security Chief and more.

Cass Sunstein is on the list, but not as Supreme Court Justice -- he's tapped for the White House Domestic Policy Advisor. For Attorney General, the ABA names Eric Holder and Mass. Gov. Deval Patrick. For Homeland Security Director, AZ Gov. Janet Napolitano.

The ABA is right to call their article a guessing game. I don't put much stock in their selections. As for McCain's choices, there are a few laugh-out-louds: [More...]

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The Polls - 10/21

Obama's lead remains steady and significant. DKos/R2000 has Obama by 8, 50-42. Gallup has Obama up 11, 52-41, among RVs, and up 10 among LVs (Expanded.) Hotline has Obama by 6, 47-41. Ras has Obama by 4, 50-46. The one poll McCain wants to believe in now is Battleground, which has Obama going from a 13 point lead 8 days ago to a 1 point lead today.

Still Obama's election.

By Big Tent Democrat, speaking for me only

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Obama Fighting Hard For Colorado

The McCain campaign continues to deny reports that it is ceding Colorado to Barack Obama.

"We see the race tightening both internally and in public polling. We are within striking distance in the key battleground states we need to win," said Jill Hazelbaker, the McCain campaign's national communications director.

Gov. Sarah Palin is on to her next stop, leaving Alaska "First Dude" Todd Palin to campaign alone today in Glenwood Springs and Denver.

The Obama campaign, on the other hand, is in full swing. Not only is Sen. Joe Biden here today and tomorrow, but check out the other political magnets holding rallies the next few days .[More...]

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Sarah Palin Who?

The LA Times reports on Gov. Sarah Palin's college years.

In the five years of her collegiate career, spanning four universities in three states, Palin left behind few traces. Not many professors or students even remember her.....interviews with a dozen professors yielded not a single snippet of a memory.

...."Looking at this dynamic personality now, it mystifies me that I wouldn't remember her," said Jim Fisher, Palin's journalism instructor at the University of Idaho, where she graduated with a bachelor of science degree in journalism in 1987.

Palin, he said, took his public affairs reporting class, an upper-division course limited to 15 students. "It's the funniest damn thing," Fisher said. "No one can recall her." "I don't remember her," said Roy Atwood, Palin's academic advisor at the university.

The Times says it's different for the other candidates: [More...]

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New Ad Campaign Makes You the Star of Bringing Change to Washington

AARP has an innovative ad campaign for November 4. It puts you in the ad as being the person who can bring change to Washington by voting.

Here's the one they sent me. If you want to be featured or make one for your friends and e-mail it to them, use this widget:

AARP 08 Video
Enter your name to see who can bring real change to Washington.
First Name:
Last Name:

Here's one for Big Tent Democrat. Go ahead, it takes about 5 seconds.

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McCain Denies He's Giving Up on Colorado

CNN's John King reported earlier the McCain campaign had decided to give up on Colorado to focus on Pennsylvania and other big states.

Watching my 10pm local news, McCain is denying it. The regional spokesman for the campaign says McCain will continue to fight for our 9 electoral vote. The station has confirmed that McCain intends to be here Friday.

Checking McCain's campaign schedule at his website tonight, there are no events listed after Wednesday, when he'll be in Ohio with Sarah Palin. Palin will stay in Ohio on Thursday, but no details are given for McCain. [More...]

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CBS/NYTimes Poll: Obama 13 Points Ahead, Palin Tanking

A new CNN/New York Times poll out tonight finds Obama 13 points ahead of McCain, 54% to 41%. Full poll results are here (pdf):

(Among those saying view has worsened)

His attacks on Obama 32%
Choice of Sarah Palin 14
Debate performance 12
He seems erratic/unsteady 11
Don’t like him 7

Opinions of Palin among these voters have drastically changed for the worse in the last three weeks, while favorable impressions of Joe Biden have improved among the same voters.


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Hillary and Obama Together on Nightline Tonight

Update: I watched the segment, and like Nightline's Cynthia McFadden, thought they seemed free of tension and genuinely enjoying each other's company. Obama was very effusive in his praise for Hillary. At the rally, when they walked out together, he didn't just hug her, but kissed her on the cheek. He acknowledged that Hillary has made a big difference in how he is doing in Florida. She minced no words to her former supporters: "As hard as you worked for me, we need you now to work just as hard for Barack."

Very classy on both their parts. And 50,000 turned out on a Monday in Orlando to hear them. Let's just hope they all go to the polls.


Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama's first joint interview since the end of Hillary's campaign will air tonight on Nightline. The interview followed their joint campaign appearance in Florida today. [More...]

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Bachmann Faces Republican Write-In Candidate

Michele Bachmann's suspicion that anti-American sentiment lurks in the halls of Congress resulted in an infusion of cash for her Democratic opponent, Elwyn Tinklenberg. Today the fallout from Bachmann's McCarthy-like rant continues, as a Republican announced his intent to run a write-in campaign that, with luck, will draw enough votes from Bachmann to give Tinklenberg the victory.

Aubrey Immelman is a psychology professor who lost to Bachmann in the primary. Immelman is a South African immigrant who, like many immigrants, has a greater appreciation of American values than those who were born in the United States.

"I gave up everything to come here, which is why I feel so strongly about the direction my country has been taking," he said Monday. "I'm a proud, patriotic American. And I cannot tolerate this festering brand of neo-McCarthyism Michele Bachmann is pushing."

It's time for Michelle Bachmann to go home.

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A Tarnished Name

Judge Bush in Hennepin County, Minnesota is saddled with a problem this election year: his name.

Bush, who was appointed by DFL Gov. Rudy Perpich in 1989 and was a public defender for years before that, has stood for election before, but never in a year when his last name was so unpopular. Talk at the courthouse is that Bush's opponent chose him among all the judges up for reelection solely because of his unpopular last name.

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Drunk Robodialing?

After going an entire evening without a message on my home answering machine, I was starting to think that all the criticism of John McCain's nasty robocalls had convinced McCain to pull the plug on the autodialers, despite his defense of the practice. And then the phone rang.

The message was a robocall, but not from John McCain. This one was from John Cornyn's wife Sandy telling me how wonderful her husband is and reminding me that early voting starts today in Texas. That's great, RoboSandy. Except I live in Wisconsin. You might have noticed the area code.

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Obama to Visit Seriously Ill Grandmother

Barack Obama will be away from the campaign on Thursday and Friday. His grandmother's poor health has taken a serious turn. Obama plans to fly to Hawaii on Thursday to be with her. Send her, and the candidate, your positive thoughts.

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