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Super Tuesday Results

Final Update 10:00 pm: Fox calls Vermont for Donald Trump. Kasich was two points behind. Why is this the final update? Results are apparently over. Even Fox just switched from analysts to clueless pundits.

Update: 9:30 pm: Hillary wins Massachusetts. Bernie wins Minnesota. Trump won MA on the Republican side, with Rubio coming in a pretty close second. Alaska's polls close in 30 minutes. Vermont is still too close to call, but with 80% of the vote in, Trump is now ahead of Kasich by 2 points.

Fox says Rubio fell short of Cruz in the delegate count tonight. Rubio got shut out of delegates in Texas and Alabama because he didn't get 20% of the vote. But, Rubio got only one delegate less than Trump in Virginia. Fox's number cruncher (think John King on CNN) takes a looks forward to the next two weeks. Florida is 99 delegates, winner take all. Ohio has 66 delegates. Kasich is a threat there. He won 86 of 88 counties in his last election. He won in Ohio's heavily Democratic counties.

Update 9:00 pm: Bernie Sanders wins Colorado, where he spent over a million dollars on ads. He's well ahead of Hillary in Minnesota. Marco Rubio wins Minnesota -- his first victory. Cruz came in second, and Trump third. [More...]

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Super Tuesday Open Thread

Here's a thread for all topics related to Super Tuesday.

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Super Tuesday: Trump vs. Republicans

The Republican party is imploding at the realization that it's been hijacked by Donald Trump. So many news articles are leading with the question of whether it's too late to stop him, or how he has turned the presidential primaries into a reality show, and how debased the conversation has become, as he's managed to drag his opponents with him into the mud. Others are questioning whether Republican legislators will be able to back him or work with him.

I'm not sure it matters whether Trump is the ultimate nominee. It seems like he's already shot the party through its heart. [More...]

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"It's Hillary's Turn": Will Bernie Get Out of the Way?

Hillary Clinton won South Carolina in a landslide. She did especially well among African Americans.

About 6 in 10 voters in South Carolina's Democratic primary were black, by far the largest proportion of African-Americans in any of the contests so far. And nearly 9 in 10 black voters supported Clinton.

As one African-American voter told the L.A. Times, "It's Hillary's turn now."[More...]

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Two Mexican Presidents Compare Trump to Hitler

Last week it was former Mexican President Vicente Fox who said he wasn't to pay for Trump's F*cking Border Wall." Today it was former Mexican President Felipe Calderon complaining about Trump and his "white supremacism."

Trump’s political rhetoric was “racist” and evocative of the Nazi dictator.

“This logic of praising the white supremacy is not just anti-immigration,” Calderon said. “He is acting and speaking out against immigrants that have a different skin color than he does, it is frankly racist and [he is] exploiting feelings like Hitler did in his time,” Calderon said.


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Dem Primary South Carolina

Should be a big day for Hilary Clinton in South Carolina today and may be followed by a big Super Tuesday 3 days later.

The results may define the contours of the contest from that point, or perhaps the March 15 contests (when Florida and Ohio vote) will do that.

What I mean by that is these contests MAY relegate Sanders to a "message" candidate, which is not unimportant by the way. But it does lower the tolerance for negative attacks. Remember how Hillary Clinton should have dropped in February of 2008? When she was nearly tied? I would think Sanders wouldn't be asked to drop out, just drop the attacks.

Anyway, I'm getting ahead of the voters which is always a mistake. Let the voters vote! Starting in South Carolina today.

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Houston Republican Debate: Will Sparks Fly?

Trump vs Cruz vs Rubio at the debate in Houston tonight on CNN.

If sparks fly, can we expect John Kasich to hug it out and fix things for everyone? [More...]

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Mexico Former President: Not Paying For "That F*kng Wall"

Too funny. Vicente Fox, former President of Mexico, responds to Donald Trump's plan for a border wall saying "I'm not paying for that f*king wall. He should pay for it, he's got the money."

Fox says Trump is not a Republican, he's a crazy man, he's just himself and egocentric. He wanted to know who the Hispanics are are who are supporting Trump because they are "following a false prophet." But he's not concerned Trump will win.

Trump responded on Twitter:

FMR PRES of Mexico, Vicente Fox horribly used the F word when discussing the wall. He must apologize! If I did that there would be a uproar!

Don't hold your breath, Donald.

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Trump Embraces The Poorly Educated

Donald Trump is catching a lot of flack for his Nevada victory speech in which he proudly counted the "poorly educated" as being among his supporters.

"We won the poorly educated. I love the poorly educated."

Jimmy Kimmel made a campaign ad about it. James Corden also mocked him on the Late Late Show.

I can't believe "poorly educated" got applause. There were people in the crowd going, "That's me, Hell yeah. I haven't learned a damn thing my whole life. I love you Donald Trump."


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Superpredators and the 1994 Crime Bill

Hillary Clinton did not write the 1994 Crime Bill, officially titled the 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, H.R. 3355, Pub.L. 103–322. She wasn't in the Senate when it passed. She did not coin the phrase juvenile "superpredator." The attention being given to an activist criticizing her remarks in 1996 is, as usual, overblown.

"Superpredators" was an idea created by Former Bush Drug Czars William Bennett and John Walters, along with former Princeton professor and Bush advisor, John J. DiIulio Jr., in a book titled "Body Count" (Simon & Schuster, 1996). It was widely repudiated by almost everyone shortly thereafter, but not shortly enough to avoid affecting the Democrats' crime agenda in Congress.

Ted Kennedy twice referred to the discredited term during remarks to Congress in 2004, once when advocating for the assault weapons ban and once when advocating for the Democratic version of an anti-gang bill (over its Republican rival, S. 1735, the Gang Prevention and Effective Deterrence Act.) On the assault weapons ban: [More...]

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Harry Reid Endorses Hillary, Republicans Focus on Trump

Harry Reid has endorsed Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders.

Reid said he took pains to remain neutral in the competition between Clinton and Bernie Sanders so he would not be accused of rigging the caucuses.

John Kasich is not dropping out.

Kasich's campaign is running a strategy that relies on surviving through the March 1 Super Tuesday contest and winning Michigan's March 8 primary. Kasich says people need to "chill out" because there's a "long way to go" in the GOP nominating contest.


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Democratic Town Hall, the Late Late Show and the Rolling Stones

Bernie Sanders seemed very tired tonight at the Democratic town hall.

Hillary is on now. She was just asked about going to a women's college by a law student who presupposes that no one takes women seriously. Is this really 2016? Maybe the law student secretly prefers John Kasich who talks about his supporters who left the kitchen to work on his campaign.

I'm just as tired of the Levi jeans ad with Alicia Keyes touting women and Weight Watchers' "empowering" ads with Oprah.

What is up with these women law students and their "woe is me" attitude? Law schools today are half female. When I went to law school, there were 5 or 7 females out of a class of 200 and I didn't feel discriminated against. I had the same opportunities as every other student. My advice: Get over it. Pick a different career. Celebrate what you have instead of whining and maybe people will take you seriously. Stop feeding victimhood. [More...]

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