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BlackBerry Email May Be 'Shut Down'

by TChris

BlackBerry users, beware. You may soon find it less convenient to check your email.

The Supreme Court today rejected a petition from BlackBerry maker Research in Motion Ltd. for a rehearing of its patent-infringement case. ...

RIM may face a court-ordered shut down of most of its 4 million BlackBerrys in the United States if it cannot settle its case with NTP.

RIM owes NTP more than $250 million after a jury found that it infringed NTP's patents. RIM says it's working on a software "work-around that skirts the patent infringement."

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Wednesday Funnies

The TL kid just forwarded me an e-mail he received.


Crawford, Texas -- A tragic flood this morning destroyed the personal library of President George W. Bush. The flood began in the presidential bathroom where the books were kept. Both of his books have been lost. A presidential spokesman said the president was devastated, as he had almost finished coloring the second one. The White House tried to call FEMA but there was no answer.

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12 Trapped Miners Not Found Alive

Update: What a travesty. Contrary to media reports that 12 of the 13 trapped miners had been found alive, it now turns out only one miner has been saved.

Grief and anger replaced jubilation early Wednesday as mine officials announced that, despite earlier reports, only one of 13 trapped miners had survived a West Virginia mining accident. ate Tuesday, word spread among family members that 12 miners had been found alive at the Sago Mine. Celebrations erupted as church bells rang out.

Hours later, however, some miners' loved ones -- some angry, others silently dejected -- began leaving the community church that had been their sanctuary since the ordeal began Monday morning. What they had to say was unbelievable in light of the earlier news of a "miracle" in the mine.

The few who would talk to the gathered media said mining officials had told them only one of the miners had survived. Mining company officials then confirmed it at a news conference.

How could this have happened?

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Fires of Hell Burning in Oklahoma and Texas. God Mad?

by Last Night in Little Rock

Fires are burning all around Oklahoma City. In Texas, whole towns were burned out. Pray tell us, Revs. Falwell and Robertson: What have these heathens done to bring the fires of hell upon them?

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New York Transit Workers strike

New York City transit workers went on strike today for the first time since 1980. So far, chaos has been avoided. Many commuters just stayed home.

Bloomberg, who had predicted "gridlock that will tie the record for all gridlocks," put into effect a sweeping emergency plan, including the requirement that cars coming into Manhattan below 96th Street have at least four occupants. As he walked across the bridge, he smiled, admired the view and called the strike "outrageous."

Lots more pictures are here.

If you're affected by the strike, or have any great stories, here's a place to put them.

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R.I.P. Richard Pryor

Actor comedian Richard Pryor has died. He was 65. May he rest in peace, his comedy will be remembered forever.

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Crier's Top Five Crime Books

by TChris

Catherine Crier discusses her top five books about crime (a list that suffers from the omission of Crime and Punishment). What's on your list?

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Thanksgiving Ritual: Arlo, Alice, Mick and Keith

My favorite Thanksgiving ritual is to tune in to Boulder's KBCO radio station at noon to hear the 25 minute version of Arlo Guthrie's Alice's Restaurant, about his trip down to White Hall St. in lower Manhattan to sit on the bench and wait until he was told if he was fit for induction into the Army to go fight in Vietnam.

It's a tradition not only in Boulder, but at many progressive stations from New York to San Francisco and in between. So check your local listings, but if it's not playing in your neck of the woods, you can listen live at KBCO online. Ira Chermus, Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Colorado at Boulder, explains why the song is so loved by 60's liberal activists -- and I might add, their progeny. [since it's Thanksgiving, I'm hoping Ira won't mind my quoting so much of his explanation]:

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Brent Shapiro Foundation

From Dan Abrams' blog (scroll down):

As some of you may know, the son of famed attorney Robert Shapiro died last week from a drug over-dose in California. I consider Bob a good friend.

His son Brent was a graduate of the University of Southern California who spent several semesters on the Deans list. Bob tells us Brent had turned his life around. He was engaged to be married and he had been sober for a one year and a half before he died last week.

I wrote Bob telling him how sorry I was for his loss and asked if there was anything I could do to help. He informed me that his family is starting a foundation to educate children and parents about drug awareness. It’s an effort to eliminate the stigma associated with drug abuse. Their goal is to change perceptions and to get parents and kids talking about it.

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Condolences to LA Attorney Robert Shapiro

TalkLeft's sympathies and best thoughts go out today to Los Angeles Attorney Robert Shapiro. Page Six reports:

WE extend our condolences to O.J. Simpson lawyer Robert Shapiro on the loss of his son. Brent Edward Shapiro, 24, died Monday afternoon after an apparent drug overdose. Sources say Brent attended a football game over the weekend and ingested some ecstasy at a party. His girlfriend found him unconscious and took him to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in L.A. Authorities confirmed he died of a drug overdose and the family has consented to a toxicology screen. Calls to Shapiro's office were not returned.

What a nightmare. The TL kid is 24, and most of my friends' kids are about that age. It's something we all worry about and just keep our fingers crossed they either take a pass or know their limits. To Bob, my sincerest condolences. I feel for you, and my thoughts are with you in this difficult time. For those of you going to temple tomorrow on Yom Kippur, say a prayer for Brent, Bob and the entire Shapiro family.

Update: News article here.

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Denver's First Snowstorm Arrives

Snow began falling in downtown Denver a few hours ago. 12 inches are predicted to fall here by Tuesday - 18 inches in the mountains. It's a big one. I-70 leading to Vail and Aspen already shut down.

The storm hovered Sunday west of Denver, closing Vail Pass and downing power lines for about 2,000 customers around Breckenridge, Silverthorne and Keystone. Xcel Energy spokesman Tom Henley said it was not clear how long those customers would be in the dark, as repair crews - like most other travelers - were stuck in traffic.

Normally, I'm not snow-crazy, but the first storm of the year is exciting. The clean, white snow, the chill in the air, pulling out the winter clothes - this is just my favorite time of year. Then, in two days, it will be 70 degrees again.

Update: It was a grey day and a gloomy, wet storm. But Denver didn't get it as bad as some places.

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Jet Blue Flight Lands Safely

Breaking news...a Jet Blue flight en route from Burbank to JFK with 144 people on board has a landing gear failure and will try and touch down shortly at LAX with its landing wheels sideways.

Think good thoughts...

Update: the cable news stations are carrying the landing live. There are over 100 emergency personnel on the ground. It's trying to dump more fuel so it can make the emergency landing - maybe in five to ten minutes.

Update: It's coming in for a landing. Front wheels are smoking, it landed fine, no fire, it's fine. Good work by the crew - wow. That was unbelievable. Everyone's safe.

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