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Republican Super Tuesday Results

Looks like Mitt Romney does okay, winning 3 states so far (VA, VT, MA). Newt Gingrich won Georgia. Santorum took Tennessee. Ohio is still out.

Santorum takes North Dakota and Oklahoma.

Update: Romney takes Idaho. The AP just called Ohio for Romney. [More...]

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Romney Wins Arizona and Michigan

Bump and Update, 8:25 p.m.: Romney has taken both states.

Update, 7: 30 pm MT: Romney takes Arizona and leads in Michigan.

Results should start coming in shortly for the Michigan and Arizona Republican primaries. Mitt Romney or Rick Santorum? Who would you rather see Obama face in November? [More...]

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Romney Proposes Raising Medicare Eligibility Age in 2022

Mitt Romney today proposed raising the Medicare eligibility age in 2022. He also proposed restrictions on future social security benefits.

Romney said his proposals for Medicare and Social Security would begin in 2022, meaning no current or near-retirees would be affected. He also said he favors adjustments to curtail the growth of future benefits for the relatively well-to-do, so "lower-income seniors would receive the most generous benefits.

Beginning in 2022, Romney said, "we will gradually increase the Medicare eligibility age by one month each year. In the long run, the eligibility ages for both programs will be indexed to longevity so that they increase only as fast as life expectancy."

That's not as bad as the plan Obama was considering, which would have implemented the age increase in 2013, giving those approaching age 65 insufficient time to make plans to pay for another two years of private medical insurance. [More...]

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Trump On Santorum

What if Santorum wins the GOP nomination? Doesn't Trump have to launch his much clamored for run (according to him)?

Oh BTW, how's that Trump endorsement working out for Romney?

Here's Trump on Santorum:

Rick Santorum was a sitting senator who in re-election lost by 19 points, to my knowledge the most in the history of this country for a sitting senator to lose by 19 points. It’s unheard of. Then he goes out and says oh ‘okay’ I just lost by the biggest margin in history and now I’m going to run for president. Tell me, how does that work? ... That’s like me saying I just failed a test. Now I’m going to apply for admission to the Wharton School of Finance. Okay? He just failed a test.... And now he’s going to run for president. So, I don’t get Rick Santorum. I don’t get that whole thing.”

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Colorado, Minn. Republican Caucuses Tonight

Tonight's the night for Republican caucuses in Colorado and Minnesota. Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum have all been actively campaigning in Colorado.

Mitt brought out 3,000 at a rally last night in Arapahoe County, just south of Denver. The size of Newt's crowd at a rally yesterday afternoon in Jefferson County, just west of Denver: 200.

Republicans are expecting a big turnout. Santorum is expected to do better than Newt. It doesn't seem to matter much, as the votes are non-binding at the Republican Convention. Colorado results will be available here and Minnesota here. [More...]

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Romney to Win Nevada Caucuses

Looks like Newt Gingrich fizzled in Nevada and Mitt Romney will win the state's Republican caucusesby double digits.

Here's the makeup of voters: 4 of 5 are Conservative, 3 out of 4 said they were tea partiers, and 1 of 4 are Mormons.

Where's Romney today? In Colorado Springs, campaigning for Coloradans' votes in the caucuses which will be held Tuesday.

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Would GOP Nomination Of Gingrich Trigger Trump Independent Bid?

The short fingered vulgarian and charlatan Donald Trump, the celebrity for folks who find the Kardashians too refined for their tastes, endorsed Mitt Romney today at a hotel in Las Vegas that carries his name (what his ownership percentage of the the hotel is, is not clear.)

Trump has previously stated that if the "right candidate" does not win the GOP nomination, he would launch an independent bid. Presumably then, if Newt Gingrich miraculously wins the nomination, the short fingered vulgarian and charlatan will launch his own bid, right? Of course not. Trump is a charlatan and a clown.

Speaking for me only

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Mitt Romney: The Undisciplined Candidate

A funny thing has happened on the way to the November election - Mitt Romney has become a clown car of a candidate. It's one thing to be "inauthentic," it's another to make the mistakes Romney is now making on a regular basis. Gail Collins writes:

On the morning after the Florida primary, Mitt Romney bounded out of bed, inhaled the sweet air of victory, donned his new cloak of invulnerability ...

... and went on CNN to announce that he doesn’t care about poor people. “I’m not concerned about the very poor,” he told a slightly stunned-looking Soledad O’Brien.

Whenever the topic turns to wealth, or the lack thereof, some inner demon seems to make Romney say something that sounds ridiculous, offensive or ridiculously offensive.

(Emphasis supplied.) Erick Erickson and his cohorts are engaged in a slash and burn against Romney, but the fact is Romney is the guy who is self destructing. Of course, Newt remains a Democrat's dream Republican nominee, Erickson's silly statements about how Romney dooms the GOP slate notwithstanding. It's a pretty shocking development that at this stage Romney is incapable of discussing fairness issues without putting two feet in his mouth. Are you telling me that his expensive team can't write a vanilla paragraph for him to repeat ad nauseum on the subject?

Speaking for me only

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Mitt Romney Wins Florida Republican Primary

The Florida Republican primary has been called by the news outlets for Mitt Romney.

Mitt's speaking now. He says they will win in November. He says it's time for President Obama to get out of the way. He's ready to lead the party and the nation. He will begin a new era of prosperity. He will save the soul of America. He will balance the budget without raising taxes. He will repeal Obamacare. He will strengthen religious rights.

"I will insist on a military so powerful no one would ever think of challenging it."

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Florida Primary Predictions

What's your prediction for the outcome of today's Florida Republican primary?

Time Magazine says Newt Gingrich is bracing for a loss and in the process of reinventing himself as a grass-roots insurgent. It says Newt is floundering because he was outstumped and outspent.

Gingrich is unlikely to get the chance to implement this vision. But he is shaking things up within his schizophrenic campaign. After skipping from message to message in recent days, he has apparently decided his best shot at knocking off Mitt Romney is to embrace Tea Party populism. And so he has reinvented himself as a grassroots gadfly, ready to dog the GOP “all the way to the convention.”

CNN says the latest polling which includes the 600,000 voters who voted early has Mitt Romney ahead. [More...]

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Florida GOP Primary: Pick Your Poll

Q Poll - Romney 43, Gingrich 29.

PPP - Romney 39, Gingrich 32.

SUSA - Romney 41, Gingrich 26.

NBC/Marist poll - Romney 42, Gingrich 27.

I like the Insider Advantage/NewsMax poll, that says Newt is surging to within 5 points and has the momentum.

Go Newt! I don't believe it, but I like it. Now, if only Trump decides to run, this would be perfect.

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It was Fun While It Lasted

Newt was collapsing in Florida before last night's debate. Apparently last night will only contribute to Newt's decline.

The RCP Average has Romney leading Newt by 7.2 points, but the trend is clear- Florida is heading to a Romney double digit blowout. Santorum is said to have done well and that will probably bleed Newt even more.

So that's that it seems. Well Newt. It was fun while it lasted this past week.

Get ready for Obama-Romney in the Fall.

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