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Rudy Giuliani's Glass House

The Washington Post has a good editorial today on Rudy Giuliani's baseless attack on Hillary's health. Shorter version: People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

It points to different parts of his speech at the RNC that could support a conclusion he is suffering from "nerve damage, stroke or Alzheimer’s disease" and heart disease, and that he's suffered a stroke.

The Post says his baseless attack on Hillary's health is a sign of his "impaired character", if not health. After criticizing his "scurrilous and debunked theories about the Democratic candidate", it says he should see a doctor.

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Trump's Many Failures

Vanity Fair reports on Trump's campaign, which has morphed from free-fall to the hospice phase:

As Wisconsin radio host Charlie Sykes summed up Bannon’s appointment: “Trump’s campaign has now entered the Hospice Phase. He knows he’s dying and wants to surround himself with his loved ones.”

The New York Times has a new report on Trump's finances: Trump’s Empire: A Maze of Debts and Opaque Ties. His companies are $650 million in debt and have shadowy backers.

The Chicago Sun-Times has this article on the Trump International Tower in Chicago, and how the commercial space in the 92 floor tower hasn't been leased since it was built in 2008. [More...]

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Hillary: There is No "New" Donald Trump

Hillary today on the changes in Donald Trump's campaign staff:

He can hire and fire whoever he wants from his campaign. They can make him read new words from a teleprompter. But he is still the same man who insults gold star families, mocks people with disabilities and thinks he knows more about Isis than our generals. There is no new Donald Trump – this is it.

It may not be quite time to refer to his changes as re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, but he's getting there.

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More Prominent Republicans Balk at Trump

Is Donald Trump running on empty? More Republicans are jumping ship and refusing to support Donald Trump and planning on voting for Hillary.

More than 200 current and former Republican elected and administration officials, as well as figures from the party apparatus and the conservative media, have said in recent weeks that they simply cannot support Trump, citing his increasingly erratic statements, his lack of policy specifics and his recklessness on the international stage, with many of them saying they'd vote for Hillary Clinton instead.

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Trump's Awkward Second Amendment Comment

Donald Trump said: “the Second Amendment people” might be the only group capable of stopping Hillary Clinton from appointing liberal judges if she is elected president." People are now debating whether he was suggested violence against Hillary. Seriously? Trump is an awkward guy who makes spontaneous awkward comments and has more than a touch of Joe Biden "foot in mouth" disease. He shouldn't be President. But not because of this comment.

I'm taking Trump's side on this one. He was obviously referring to the NRA and other gun rights groups' lobbying power and ability to influence the votes of millions of their members. He was not urging anyone use a weapon protected by the Second Amendment against Hillary. [More...]

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New Wapo-ABC Poll Expands Hillary's Lead Over Trump

Hillary is increasing her lead over Donald Trump, according to a new poll.

Hillary Clinton has emerged from the two major party conventions and their aftermath with an eight-point lead over Donald Trump, aided by a consolidation of support among Democrats and a failure so far by Republicans to rally equally behind their nominee, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Clinton and her running mate, Sen. Tim Kaine (Va.), now lead Trump and his running mate, Gov. Mike Pence (Ind.), by 50 percent to 42 percent among registered voters, double the four-point advantage the Democrats held on the eve of the Republican convention in mid-July. Among likely voters, the Democratic nominee leads by 51 percent to 44 percent.

Here is the poll.

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Trump's Runaway Train

It seems no one can help [us] now
[we're] in too deep
There's no way out
This time [we] have really led [ourselves] astray
Runaway train never going back
Wrong way on a one way track

Republicans are having a conniption fit over their uncontrollable candidate. There are reports the campaign is in turmoil. Some Republicans are talking about an intervention.

Newt Gingrich says Trump is presently unacceptable: [More...]

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Child Yells Profanity Re: Hillary at Trump Rally

A 10 year old attending a Trump rally with his mother, Pam Kohler, of Mount Vernon, VA, stood up twice and yelled out "Take the b*tch down" when Trump mentioned Hillary Clinton's name.

His mother identified herself to reporters as and stuck up for her son's remark. She said, “I think he has a right to speak what he wants to."

Ms. Kohler and her son were sitting in the media section of the rally and according to the Wall St Journal, both were holding signs that said "Hillary for Prison.....Asked where he would learn such a phrase, she said, "Democratic schools"

BS. He learned it from his mother. [More...]

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Schlock and Awe: Trump Comes to Denver

Donald Trump came to Denver yesterday. His comments were all schlock, but 6,000 people, expecting to be awed, went to see him.

USA Today has the story, but it has autoplay video so I won't link to it. Among his more absurd comments:

  • He has one of the best memories of anyone in the world
  • If the U.S. elects Hillary, it will turn into another Venezuela
  • He said several times his nomination speech got better TV ratings than Hillary's
  • He didn't mention a single Republican running for office in Colorado (no down--ticket help from him)
  • Ivanka really likes Chelsea, he wishes she didn't, but what are you going to do?

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Thursday Night DNC: I'm With Her

Update: The theme: We are Stronger together.

Hillary did what she needed to do. She was Presidential, confident, experienced, committed, and determined. It's so easy to picture her as Commander in Chief.

Her ending: The world is watching. Let's be stronger together. Let's look to the future. Let's build a better tomorrow for our children.

The crowd erupts. Tim Kaine joins her on stage. Then Bill. Donald Trump must feel like chopped liver right now. He should -- that's all he is.

Highlights below:

"I am not here to repeal the Second Amendment. I'm not here to take away your guns." I'm here to keep you from being killed by someone who shouldn't have a gun in the first place. [More..]

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Weds Night DNC: The "Dangerous Demagogue" vs the Qualified Woman Who Never Quits

Update: Obama knocked it out of the park at the end. So forceful, uplifting, genuine... and Here's Hillary! With Stevie Wonder's "Signed Sealed, Delivered" playing the background, the two of them make an amazing sight. I think Bill Clinton is so overcome with emotion he might cry. What a moment. Just the best. Thank you, President Obama. Welcome, Hillary Clinton. Anyone who doesn't think she will own this election is delusional. Americans are a lot of things, but they are not stupid enough to elect the inexperienced egotist Donald Trump.

Update: It's Obama time. After that horribly weak and depressing introductory video, I hope he reverses the tone and has something inspiring to say.

He does. He calls Hillary the woman who never quits, who is absolutely qualified to be President. He praises and vouches for Tim Kaine.

Best line about Trump: "Don't boo, Vote." Good question he asks: Does anyone believe that someone who never did anything for working people is now going to be your daddy?

Obama says he looks much older now than he did at his first convention 12 years ago. That would be Boston in 2004. Here's a photo I took of him at the Bloggers' Breakfast in Boston at the DNC: [More...]

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Tuesday Night DNC: Clinton Time

I just tuned on the TV for the first time today. I caught the last part of Madeline Albright and thought she was terrific. I purposely waited until certain mothers were finished.

Now it's time for Bill Clinton.

"In the spring of 1971, I met a girl."

Bill looks very healthy, rested and tan.

He met Hillary at law school and it took him a few days to talk do anything but stare at her. She finally came up to him and said, "I'm Hillary Rodham, who are you?"

"We've been walking and talking and laughing together ever since." Through good times and bad, joy and heartbreak. "We built up a lifetime of memories."

"Knowing her was one of the greatest gifts Hillary ever gave me." [More....]

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